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Monday, November 20, 2006

Stop The Machine

OCC-CIA-Nazi-Operation PAPERCLIP-45

Operation MOCKINGBIRD-48-

CIA-propaganda assets-Frank Wisner-Allan Dulles-Richard Helms-Philip Graham-

ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, -Associated Press, -United Press International, -Reuters, -Hearst Newspapers, - Scripps-Howard-Copley News Service.

CIA-overthrows Mohammed Mossadegh, places Shah in Iran-53

CIA-LSD-Operation MK-ULTRA-53

CIA-Ngo Dinh Diem-North Vietnam-54-58

CIA-Operation Mongoose-The Bay of Pigs-61


CIA-spying on American citizens since-59-

Operation CHAOS-68

CIA- overthrows Prince Sahounek-Lon Nol-Cambodia -70

CIA-one coup per year trying to nullify Laos’ democratic elections-57-73

CIA-Gen. Pinochet- murder of Charles Horman-Chile's National Stadium-73

CIA agent Jim Jones-Mind Control-assassination of Leo Ryan-Jonestown-78

CIA-Colonel-Oliver North-Iran/Contra-86

Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi-Al Amin Khalifa Fhimah-Pan Am 103-88

CIA-built up Hussein’s forces The Gulf War-91

Marshal Cooper-Lon Horiuchi-Ruby Ridge-92

ATF-FBI-Posse Comitatus-Waco-93

Timothy MeVeigh-CIA-WTC-93-


Ramzi Yousef-Sentenced 911 96

Controlled Demolitions


Embassy Bombing-98

USS Cole-00


Michael Cherkasky-Kroll-Corporate CIA-

William Bratton-LAPD

Brian Jenkins-RAND Corp.

Stephen Hatfill-SAIC-Bio Defense-


Robert Tucker-T&M Protection

Robert Tucker-John Hauer- met with (Hero, FBI Counterterrorism Chief John O’Neill) at Elaine’s for drinks, the night before 911; John O’Neill began his new job in the private sector on 911 in the WTC

Wackenhut Corp. (Private Prisons) - CTC

Melvin Bush-SecuraCom-Security contract for WTC complex ended on 911

Jerome Hauer-CFR-Head of Public Health Preparedness-OEM-FEMA-Responsible for Placing John O’Neill in his new position at WTC

Kroll Investigates Saddam Hussein-91, Oversaw Teamsters Union elections-97 and 98 and Reorganization of ERON-2002

William Sessions-FBI Director during WACO-WTC-93, Shareholder of Kroll

Louis Freeh-To be the next FBI Director-top advisor to James Bucknam-Managing Director of Kroll.

Louis Freeh-Now Senior Vice President of MBNA, from 81 to 91 worked as a U.S. Attorney in South NY City along with Rudi Giuliani who works there from 83 to 93 along with Cherkasky investigating and prosecuting Noriega, Gotti, and BCCI who are key players in the Global drug trade. One of Freeh’s Deputy Directors-James K. Kallstrom head of NY State Office of Public Security worked at MBNA was were both friends of Jerome Hauer.MBNA -involved in insider trading pre-911

MBNA and ERON where the two largest contributors to George W. Bush’s 2000 Election Campaign would have been investigated by the SEC but all the records for these cases went down when WTC-7 was pulled.

Kroll-has more inside knowledge on terrorism than even the FBI and CIA do. They run domestic terrorism operations are the terrorists themselves. They frame the patsies! (Al Qaeda)

Kroll-Bush hide their crimes to insure trust in Kroll so others will heir them to secure their buildings.

AIG-The largest Insurance Company in the world, and the sixth largest corporation in the world, owns a company named Coral Talavera named after Carlos Lehder’s (one of the known founders of the Medellin Drug Cartel in 1979) who’s wife is the head of an AIG branch in San Francisco. Lehder brokered a deal with the U.S. to bring down the Medellin cartel in exchange for his freedom, Lehder is whereabouts unknown!

BCCI-is the largest instance of fraud and bankruptcy in global history.

Throughout the 70’s and 80’s served as money laundering and investment bank. Busted in 92. The largest shareholder of BCCI is banker and oilman named Khalid bin Mahfouz who had 20% sake in the largest money laundering operation, invested in Harken in the 80’s, Harken is owned by George W. Bush, Mahfouz saved the Bush family’s business career. Mahfouz also was known to funneled money to Osama Bin Laden.

Barry Seal-Working for the CIA through The Mena International Municipal Airport from 81 to 86 was the ‘ground zero’ for all illegal drugs activity in the U.S. nearly 5 billion dollars over 5 years, most likely with full knowledge of Reagan, Bush and Clinton. Seal, turns State’s Evidence in 85.

Seals CIA link was leaked to the Media by Oliver North. Then was found murdered by the Medellin cartel, Seal is found with the private phone number of George H. W. Bush on his person.

The FBI, and the State Police tell the U.S. Attorney of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson, of this. No investigation is ever open by Hutchinson. He still went on to be the head of the DEA, and he is now the Undersecretary for Border Transportation and Security.

AIG and BCCI are the largest money launderers in the world for the CIA and the chairman of the CFR is the CEO of AIG

Ask yourself, who knows more about you than your insurance company? Who shares your life’s information with the government? AIG! With 100 Billion dollars in assets, to invest at will. In 93 AIG became the principal shareholder of Kroll Associates who are known to carry out terrorist’s training and originations.

Rudy Deckers- a CIA agent, and CEO of Huffman Aviation- an INS authorized flight school, issued Mohammed Atta his Visa into the U.S. Atta was not attending flight school, he was already a trained pilot, trained at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. Mohammed Atta, and Decker both were seen habitually doing cocaine, drinking in strip clubs, and using escort services before the attack on 911, so how in the name of Allah can Mohammed Atta be a Muslim fundamentalist?

Al Qaeda- a CIA founded drug cartel formed to distract the world from the true nature of the events of 911 to give the United States a free pass to invade any country it deems as a harbored of terrorists. And I quote W. ‘you’re either with us or you’re with terrorists’ close quote. The systemic destruction of national sovereignty all across the globe!

The United States government is the Global Mob threatening anyone who will not pay for protection from the U.S. War on Terror, whose greatest crime is that they profit from War, which they themselves start, through billions in Arms sales, then from the reconstruction contracts which they forester after they blow your country up! Those whom they invade are then held hostage, and forced to join the ‘War’, or be slaughtered. They support those who support the War on Terror, and they frame or kill those who don’t!

They keep the world’s populations fighting amongst themselves, through ‘false flag operations’ and blame the patsies for 911 and tell you why they did it. As the powers that be, move across the globe usurping, conquering sovereign countries for their resources.

Then these countries that are conquered, find themselves in dire straights and must borrow money from the World Bank owned by the U.S. and the U.K. at exorbitant rates of interest. Because these countries can’t pay the debt, they become indebted to the U.S. forever! and cycle goes on and on! The banks fund the wars; they fund the defense contractors that build the arms to attack, then to protect those who are invaded, and destroyed then rebuild with even more funded monies from the U.S. Banks!

The First casualty of War is The Truth!

On July 8, 2004 Kroll was acquired by insurance brokerage giant Marsh McLennan Companies Run by Jeffery Greenberg, son of CEO, and former Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relation, the (CFR) Maurice “Hank” Greenberg.

On October 25, 2004 Jeffery Greenberg resigned as Chairman and CEO of Marsh McLennan Companies Inc. The Board named Michael Cherkasky President and CEO of Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc. and chairman and CEO. Marsh Inc.

Terrorism is Theater

-Brian Jenkins, Kroll Associates.

There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!’

-Mario Savio

Monday, November 13, 2006

An epiphany

I have had an epiphany! It has been such a gut wrenching process, that I found myself losing all interest in all of the former political forums, periodicals and blogs, and appetites that I frequented and also with the friends whom I have had common beliefs with, is now shelved. Never believing that I would ever form an independent thought which was contrary to the lock-step hard line of the conservative republican /democratic politicos.

Being affiliated in mind and belief with the most popular mainstream programming, as by radio, television that have groomed their talking heads to espouse their pre-approved pre-packaged image of freedom, and not the real gift of freedom given from God. Slowly conforming the masses into a shivering waft of our former selves, believing the spoon-fed regiment of snippets, blurbs, and sound bites.

Whereas the relevant issues are glossed over by the mainstream, crowded out by fluff and superfluous attention to fashion, consumerism, racisms, hate, and greed resulting in the assistance the furtherance of a covert clandestine accord by the elite power structure within the world who are linked by the desire to control the world’s people under a tyrannical pursuit of base elemental human rule and dominance of those whom have been enslaved by the construct of those who are the formers of the collective consciousness.

The manipulation of the mind through the conditionings and the stimulation of the senses at the most base level, the arousal of underlying primal fear within the human mind through theatrical embellishments of the conditions of the world around us when it is by this methodologies the consequences of these falsehood are made reality. By giving the peoples a sense of urgency in these falsehoods they run to those whom claim to hold remedy for the worlds ills.

And, if they are willing to follow the prescribed path to self-hollowness, has the trainer snaps its whip corralling the masses into the belief that they will be saved from the horrors of the human animal which is they whom have inflicted the ills upon ourselves, in the first place. The cognitive abilities of the individual being quashed because of the fear of the intuitive awareness of an awakening of the innermost man whom they fear, and whom no one can deceive.

And through this continuance, is the retardation of the transformation of Mankind itself. And if these impressions are the reality of the matter, then what shall we do when we see that it is we ourselves who are the ‘they’ whom have caused theses things to come forth within our pursuit of our own illusionary and security?

What shall we do?

Reverend Joseph G. Steadman

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