The Awakened

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Monday, November 22, 2004

It is a firm belief,

It is a firm belief, of mine that we are in the last of days of the arena of man and his control over society. And how we as Americans have been fully engulfed and indoctrinated by the philosophical western mind-set. Only able to see the world through the eyes of westernized civilization. And we as a country have fallen into a state of self-absorbed pursuit of greed, which pulls men apart by defining them by their financial prowess, Totally ignoring the true God-given nature of the heart of man,

To give, without thought of a return payment, in a truly selfless act of kindness as we use to present ourselves to the world in times pass. But, now we go about our pursuit of wealth and power regardless of the state, or though of those whom we take advantage over. Now, let it be understood that I am not painting with a broad brush, nor am I implying that this present Administration is guilty of these kinds of actions. But, we now have to deal with those of pass administrations actions who were by all means in pursuit of their own legacy.

Selling the security of America to the highest bidder. Of whom I believe, we all know of whom I speak. But to continue, in this of the last days there will shortly come a change within the heart of all mankind by divine providence. Not to say there will be a willful change, but a change for our own good brought of a higher authority, and with a new mind-set will it began to permeate the minds of all mind kind. We are entering in to the place where our will, will be free from our reaping of destruction. As we have sown in our ignorance.

It is by grace that we have been given another term of this leader, of the so-called free world. So, that we can take another opportunity to reflect, on and bring this new mind-set in to focus. If not America? Then who? Will bring forth the manifestation of which the Word speaks? To lay down the learning of War, and to beat our swords into plowshares, and to teach war no more. I know that most think " that's a great fairy tale" but this is the real world!

But at the risk of sounding flippant "This is the world pulled over your eyes to blind you from the Truth... The hued nature of man is coming to an end. He will be complete and whole again, as it was in the beginning, before the world was.

The Rev.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Letter to: Michael Moore

Greetings Mr. Moore

It would seem to me, that you are a man of intelligence, and that is the reason why I write, I don’t follow your stand in your 'so-called' documentary, which after much scrutinizes is found to apparently be a hodgepodge of half truths and baseless conjectures which have no real foundation in fact, which is the defining characteristic of a documentary. In your film, it is apparent that your desire is that the American people swallow this hook, line, and sinker; with the implications of the named peoples in your film are characterized as evil, and malevolent in nature. Which in contrast is the true nature of those whom have expressed their desire to support your film namely 'Hezbolla'! Under the direction of Gianluca Chacra, and "Front Row Entertainment'. I know those whom would do harm to America, and it is they who are truly evil, and malevolent. And it is evident that you have allied yourself with them. I don't think that the word "treason" is quite adequate for the harm that you have single handedly done to this countries people. As every other enemy of America has found out 'you can harm us only once', and then you will drink of a full cup of recompense for you actions. Just as those whom have stood against us in the past, have found out. It has been my understanding that any one whom is found harboring the enemy 'shall be shot.' As I followed the content of the film I was under the impression "this guy can't be serious" this film seems as it was edited by a group of junior high school students. Every question, and statement made were slanted by an overwhelming desire to draw you to the conclusion that the majority of Americans also views these ideals the same as the film maker. Which is so far from the perspective of the peoples of America. I truly hope in my heart that you do not really believe this tripe, do you?

Reverend Joseph G. Steadman

Friday, November 19, 2004

To be reconnected to the source...

To gracefully walk within God’s expansive nature is to know that every desire of the heart is born of His very source of all created matter. To glace into its beginning, is to be reconnected to the source of all imagination, and creativity, which is the very center of the mind of God. It is the very understanding of the nature of God, “from nothing comes all that is”. Within this stillness is the vast mind of Him, in which are we. From within this source is an irresistible pull at the core of your being. This pull is one’s very own purpose trying to resurface within this formed matter. Pursue with a hunger advancing each day with purpose, to complete a desire of the heart, and don’t live in an accident.

Requiem of a Trial...

Come to that place from which you are called, to answer the charge of squandering the gift of your life. Comes now all they whom have bore witness to all of your thoughts and deeds. Be they form or light, to call forth all that is thought, spoken, and done unto, and for those who’ have seen. To charge you of all manner of uselessness, and evil before those whom you are to care. Now, full enforcement of the elements to which you are subject, shall be engaged through the workings of the mind, shall you be examined to the depths of the soul. Drawn out, and splayed in flesh, to pierce every nuance of thought, and emotion. Exposing every possible experience in the path of life. Brimming within every encounter, the every essence of life itself, to revel the resilience of the form, within the light. To observe any, and all variance of the center from within the form. Through, every darkness, and depth of trial, shall further reflect be upon the form in all manner of evil, and depravity to the peeling away from the form, all outer superfluous hindrance. These are not without price to the process of the form. To place the form within the lowest of all arenas, in every setting of life in the heart ‘shall be those who are tried’. In whiff of weight, and the press of time, brought forth the form in opposition sublime. Shocked in form, from instances of breath, and then to strive within its depth, to the escape the form, and perhaps to death. Through course, and serge within the mind, the form shall hold, and bore the crime. To bring the form to ebb and swell, the ruin of soul from which is hell. In pitch of all these ways, beware of the tick of days, to know the way, and yet to sway, from path of light in which to stay.

Rev. J.G.S.

There is Final Judgment...

And it has already been rendered at the cross, for all of mankind has already been judged (past tense), and the fear of waiting to be judged causes God’s people to walk in a mere shadow of what God has already provided for us, man is already been found "condemned" and Jesus has already paid the price for that finial judgment. “We” (our true selves-our spirit man) has all already been brought before the “Great White Throne Judgment” "which is the Throne of the God-head bodily (Jesus) seated in the heavens. Which is also where the Overcomer in Revelation sits. Circumstances of “good and evil “ are a result of cause and effect, which is “man’s actions”, limited by the elements of the world, to which the carnal man is subject. We all to commonly confuse the two. Judgment, and circumstantial causality are all too commonly mistaken as the same thing, which puts the receiving of God’s righteousness under the limitations of “good and evil. Being limited by the lack of faith! When we place these two foundational principles under the influence it emotionalism, it causes the Word of God to be of none-effect, which ought not to be so.

It has been said the American people are dumb...

It has been said: that the American people are dumb, for re-electing "W", swinging so far to the Right, especially when it comes to the applying of religion in politics. "Is there truly a strong enough base to keep us focused on a balanced vision for America?" Or is this passed election just "a flash in the pan?" to only give America the appearance of righteousness? But have no real change of heart. I think that there is a true shift within the heart of this country. A shift for the good of all mankind. But that's just my "bellybutton" I must say that this change is going to be very painful for many of us, but it will be worth it. It seem as though many are still holding to the ole' adage 'he who owns the gold makes the rules'. And 'nobody's going to tell me hoe to live'. But if one is truly honest with one's self, they would know that life is directed by many outward influences. The least of which is personal input of one's own heart. I am honored to live in such a time as this; it is the time of great pain of change. As a woman giving birth to her son. And the end of this time will see a people strong in heart, and firm in conviction. The line of right and wrong are coming into focus. And there is a clear separation of right and left, good and evil, as we see through the war. Irregardless of your political or religious believes, change is coming for all, and we can ether go with the flow of change or fight against it and be in chaos. The path is being made clearer everyday
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